Friday, February 17, 2012

Things I've learned from selling stuff online

Here are a few things that I've learned in my short online selling career.   Feel free to add your own in the comments section.
  1. Even if the customer is wrong, the customer is always right.
  2. Inventory takes up lots of room.
  3. Plastic mail totes can scratch hardwood floors.
  4. By noon on Saturdays, I don’t want to see another garage sale.  Until the next Saturday, that is.
  5. Big book sales make me anxious.  It’s the thrill of the hunt combined with the dread of not finding anything sellable.
  6. No matter how hard you try, you can’t please everyone all the time.
  7. Properly grading/describing an item will save you a lot of trouble later.
  8. It’s embarrassing to not be able to find an item in your inventory.
  9. It’s OK to lie to people who ask what you are doing when you are scouting for books.
  10. Always keep enough packing tape on hand.  Running out on a Sunday night means a trip to Wal-Mart.
  11. Electronic gizmos don’t guarantee success.
  12. On the other hand, GPS devices are worth their weight in gold when driving to yard sales.
  13. Paying $.25 to a child at a yard sale for a book that is worth good money makes me feel guilty, but only for a little while.
  14. Always buy the cookie or the lemonade from the kids trying to make a few extra bucks at their parent’s yard sale.  It’ll make you feel less guilty for taking their book for a quarter.
  15. People will buy anything on eBay.


  1. I love this! #4 and #14 - my favorites.

  2. #4, I hear ya! I went to my first ever garage sale a couple of weeks ago and I was already exhausted after 15 minutes of my stay there. LOL @ #14. Haha!

  3. #8 was me on Monday. And last week. And the week before. I think I need a better system.
