The plan was to sleep late on Saturday morning, and spend the day listing, doing chores, and maybe cooking food instead of eating out. You know, normal people stuff.
But no ….
I cracked first, by going to the book sale on my lunch hour on Friday. I’m glad I did, because even though the sale had started the night before, apparently it went dealer free until I got there. It was difficult lugging a big box of books through the mall while trying to keep my large Chick-fil-A sweet tea from spilling, but I managed to get to my truck with dropping either one.
Saturday morning, I did get to sleep late, staying in bed until around 7 instead of my usual 4:30 wakeup time. Ella got up soon after, and as we both sat at our respective computers, perusing Craigslist, I could feel our resolve slowly melting. By 8:30, we were out the door, determined to hit only a few sales, and to come back home.
We were late getting to the church sale, but managed to find some good booth material, including two huge framed and signed Macon Cherry Blossom Festival prints for $1 each. The Cherry Blossom Festival is Macon’s big spring party. The rest of the sales were hit and miss, yielding only assorted items, including some Disney comic books and a hand-made Mickey Mouse quilt that will go in our booth next month.
By noon, we were at the book sale again to take advantage of the “fill a box for $5” sale. I started out with two banana boxes, but as they got filled up, Ella paid $5 for another box, which also quickly got filled. My idea was to fill the boxes to overflowing, but the nice sale lady sternly pointed out that I needed another box for the books falling out of my first three boxes. So, I meekly handed over another $5. Still, we got four huge boxes of books for $20, some of which will go online, and most of which, including many, many cookbooks, will find their way to our booths.
Seven hours later, after eating lunch, and ensuring the 25% off sale signs were in place at both Barry’s Bonanza and Ella’s Eclectic Emporium, we made it home. Best laid plans aside, it was a semi-lucrative day. Obviously, though, nothing got listed. Later Saturday evening, we went to the local auction. With only three bidders, it didn’t last very long.
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Mmmm...M&Ms |
On Sunday, I again was up at 7, and promptly began working. I listed both Ebay and Amazon items until just after noon. Ella and I then had to go straighten our storage unit to make room for other stuff, and to bring Christmas items toward the front for easy access. I found a case of small blue M&M ornaments/toppers that I purchased at a church sale early in the spring for $10. There are at least 200 of these little guys, which sell for at least $5 each online. Have I ever mentioned that I love M&Ms?
The rest of Sunday was spent listing, and finding room for all the books purchased on Saturday.
So, the weekend wasn’t a total loss, although the listing on Sunday barely put a dent into all that I need to get online. Whether I could make a living doing it, I don’t know, but I do know that I literally could make a full time job out of thrifting.
My most noteworthy sale of the weekend was a small lot of Veronica Mars DVD box sets. It didn’t sell for much, only $25, but it did generate a weird query from a potential buyer. He wanted to know if the discs buffered during playback. I wasn’t quite sure what he meant, but I assured him that they were factory DVDs, and should play fine on a standard DVD player. He again questioned if the any of the discs buffered. By now, I was getting a bad feeling about this buyer, thinking that no matter how perfect the discs were, he would find some fault. So, I blocked him. Thankfully, another buyer picked them up soon after.
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Too many questions led me to block a potential buyer |
This weekend marks the last major sale that I have on my calendar, and while other sales may pop up, with the weather turning colder, it should slow down enough that I can spend some quality time listing, and not getting jittery about missing out on the good stuff.
Stay busy and productive, and make sure you have plenty of candy on hand for the little beggars on Friday.
I had to chuckle. I block those who ask too many questions, too. These people should not be shopping online. I wasn't going to do any sourcing this weekend either, but like you and Ella, my resolve melted away, and I headed for an estate sale. I'm glad I did. I left with several very nice items that were definitely the right price.